sri bhagavan

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sri bhagavansri bhagavan
  1. Sri Bhagavan , how can we best help people move into Awakening ?


  2. Sri Bhagavan is now ready to introduce a series of very special processes to move the Oneness Community into higher states of consciousness .


  3. As Sri Bhagavan shares ," Humanity cannot make it on their own ; Awakening has to be given to them . "


  4. In order to bring about the fully awakened state , Sri Bhagavan is asking the Oneness Community to hold a very Sacred and Special process .


  5. Each month or so Sri Bhagavan will be giving the Oneness Community various types of special processes to take everyone into higher states of consciousness in a very big way !


  6. Last evening , Sri Bhagavan spoke very clearly and explained that he is now ready to deliver the fully awakened state to the entire Oneness Community across the planet .


  7. The tour will then culminate in the receipt of Sri Bhagavan 's Darshan . A special optional Homa ( sacred fire ritual ) will be offered to all participants .


  8. These " Darshan tours " are akin to a five-day festival whereby participants will visit the sacred sites of Oneness and receive the Darshan of Sri Bhagavan .


  9. Sri Amma Bhagavan are one single consciousness in two bodies .


  10. We know the astounding miracles and the varied divine phenomena that happen around Sri Amma Bhagavan .
